Promitor Changelog

Scraper - v2.9.0

released on 2023-03-24
  • added Provide Public IP Address scraper (docs)
  • added Provide Azure Traffic Manager scraper (docs)
  • added Provide Azure Log Analytics scraper (docs)
  • added Provide Azure Data Explorer Cluster scraper (docs)
  • added Provide Azure NAT Gateway scraper (docs)
  • added Provide capability to read Azure AD service principal secret from a file (docs)
  • added Provide option to use a User Assigned Managed Identity without specifying the Client ID
  • added Provide custom formatting for emitting metrics using StatsD sink in Geneva format
  • added Provide container vulnerability scanning in CI
  • security Patch for CVE-2023-0286 (Critical | Base image)
  • security Patch for CVE-2023-0215 (Critical | Base image)
  • security Patch for CVE-2022-41032 (High)
  • security Patch for CVE-2022-4450 (High | Base image)
  • security Patch for CVE-2023-0215 (High | Base image)
  • security Patch for CVE-2022-42898 (High | Base image)
  • security Patch for CVE-2022-4304 (Moderate | Base image)
  • fixed Fixed a bug where startup throws scheduling exception due to metric misconfiguration
  • fixed Fixed a bug where resource discovery for Azure Container Instances was not working
  • fixed Fixed a bug where Promitor was reported as unknown_service:dotnet job in OpenTelemetry Collector
  • fixed Fixed a bug where OpenTelemetry sink had concurrency issues
  • changed Migrate to .NET 7
  • changed Migrate Resharper code quality check to GitHub Actions

Full release notes can be found here.

Resource Discovery - v0.9.0

released on 2023-03-24
  • added Provide Public IP Address scraper (docs)
  • added Provide Azure Traffic Manager scraper (docs)
  • added Provide Azure Log Analytics scraper (docs)
  • added Provide Azure Data Explorer Cluster scraper (docs)
  • added Provide Azure NAT Gateway scraper (docs)
  • added Provide capability to read Azure AD service principal secret from a file (docs)
  • added Provide option to use a User Assigned Managed Identity without specifying the Client ID
  • added Provide container vulnerability scanning in CI
  • security Patch for CVE-2022-37434 (Critical | Base image)
  • security Patch for CVE-2021-42377 (Critical | Base image)
  • security Patch for CVE-2022-38013 (High)
  • security Patch for CVE-2022-41032 (High)
  • security Patch for CVE-2023-0215 (High | Base image)
  • security Patch for CVE-2022-2097 (High | Base image)
  • security Patch for CVE-2021-42373 (High | Base image)
  • security Patch for CVE-2022-34716 (Moderate)
  • security Patch for CVE-2022-4304 (Moderate | Base image)
  • changed Migrate to .NET 7
  • changed Migrate Resharper code quality check to GitHub Actions

Full release notes can be found here.

Scraper - v2.8.0

released on 2022-10-06
  • added Provide support for pushing metrics to an OpenTelemetry Collector (docs | #1824)
  • added Provide capability to define metric window starting point to query in Azure Monitor (docs | #2023)
  • fixed Avoid querying too much data from Azure Monitor by using 6 days of metric data (#2023)
  • fixed Agent no longer fails to create background jobs due to CultureNotFoundException (#2089)
  • fixed Ensure resource discovery is optional and does not block startup (#2104)

Full release notes can be found here.

Resource Discovery - v0.8.0

released on 2022-06-23
  • added Provide scraper for Azure Database for MySQL Servers (docs | #1880)
  • fixed Ensure Resource Discovery background jobs handle paging well to reduce CPU usage (#2018)

Full release notes can be found here.

Scraper - v2.7.0

released on 2022-06-23
  • added Provide scraper for Azure Database for MySQL Servers (docs | #1880)
  • fixed Honor flag not to include timestamps in system metrics for Prometheus (#1915)
  • fixed Improve performance for scraping large amoung of Azure resrouces to reduce CPU usage (#1834)

Full release notes can be found here.

Resource Discovery - v0.7.1

released on 2022-04-08
  • fixed Discovered resources are no longer capped at 1000 resources (#1828)
  • fixed Fix “Try it out” capability for end-users in Swagger UI when using reverse proxies (#1898)

Full release notes can be found here.

Scraper - v2.6.1

released on 2022-04-08
  • fixed Discovered resources are no longer capped at 1000 resources (#1828)
  • changed Reduce amount of API calls to scrape metrics for Azure services (#1914)
  • fixed Fix “Try it out” capability for end-users in Swagger UI when using reverse proxies (#1898)

Full release notes can be found here.

Resource Discovery - v0.7.0

released on 2021-12-17
  • added Provide scraper for Azure Application Insights (docs | #1239)
  • added Provide scraper for Azure Cache for Redis Enterprise (docs | #1880)
  • added Provide scraper for Azure CDN (docs | #1664)
  • added Provide scraper for Azure Database for MariaDB (docs | #1795)
  • added Provide scraper for Azure Load Balancer (docs | #1845)
  • added Provide scraper for Azure Virtual Network (docs | #1170)
  • added Provide support for scraping Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible & Hyperscale resources (docs | #1870)
  • added Information concerning .NET & OS in logs on startup
  • security Dependency updates & security patches
  • fixed Reduced HTTP request latency (benchmark)
  • changed Migrate from .NET 3.1 to .NET 6.0
  • changed Reduced Docker image size with 5%

Full release notes can be found here.

Scraper - v2.6.0

released on 2021-12-17
  • added Provide scraper for Azure Application Insights (docs | #1239)
  • added Provide scraper for Azure Cache for Redis Enterprise (docs | #1880)
  • added Provide scraper for Azure CDN (docs | #1664)
  • added Provide scraper for Azure Database for MariaDB (docs | #1795)
  • added Provide scraper for Azure Load Balancer (docs | #1845)
  • added Provide scraper for Azure Virtual Network (docs | #1170)
  • added Provide support for scraping Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible & Hyperscale resources (docs | #1870)
  • added Information concerning .NET & OS in logs on startup
  • security Dependency updates & security patches
  • fixed Reduced HTTP request latency (benchmark)
  • changed Migrate from .NET 3.1 to .NET 6.0
  • changed Reduced Docker image size with 5%

Full release notes can be found here.

Scraper - v2.5.1

released on 2021-10-21

Full release notes can be found here.