Promitor Changelog

Resource Discovery - v0.5.0

released on 2021-09-02
  • added Provide Prometheus endpoint for scraping metrics
  • added Provide system metrics related to agent performance & resources (docs) | #341)
  • added Provide system metric related to HTTP request performance (docs | #1717)
  • added Provide system metrics with discovered subscription information (docs) | #1716)
  • added Provide system metrics with discovered resource group information (docs) | #1716)
  • added Provide system metrics indicating Azure Resource Graph throttling status (docs | #1739)
  • added Provide system metrics providing insights on Azure Resource Graph rate limiting (docs | #973)

Full release notes can be found here.

Scraper - v2.4.0

released on 2021-07-15
  • added Provide runtime metric to indicate scraping outcome (docs | #1304)
  • added Provide system metric related to HTTP request performance (docs | #1659)

Full release notes can be found here.

Resource Discovery - v0.4.1

released on 2021-05-28
  • fixed Support for authenticating to Azure clouds other than public (#1646)

Full release notes can be found here.

Resource Discovery - v0.4.0

released on 2021-05-07
  • added Provide scraper for Azure Monitor Autoscale (docs | #1593)

Full release notes can be found here.

Scraper - v2.3.0

released on 2021-05-07
  • added Provide scraper for Azure Monitor Autoscale (docs | #1593)
  • added Provide capability to transform metric labels in Prometheus (docs)
  • added Provide capability to limit the amount of resources to query when using filters/dimensions (docs | #1596)
  • added Provide capability to define default custom labels (docs | #1608)

Full release notes can be found here.

Resource Discovery - v0.3.0

released on 2021-04-05

Full release notes can be found here.

Scraper - v2.2.0

released on 2021-04-05

Full release notes can be found here.

Scraper - v2.1.1

released on 2021-03-03
  • fixed Issue when metric (values) where not found causing exceptions to be thrown (#1545)

Full release notes can be found here.

Scraper - v2.1.0

released on 2021-02-18
  • added Support for scraping Azure Automation account (docs | #352)
  • added Support for scraping Azure Front Door account (docs | #343)
  • added Support for scraping Azure SQL Elastic Pool (docs | #319)
  • added Support for scraping Azure Synapse (Apache Spark pool) (docs | #1477)
  • added Support for scraping Azure Synapse (SQL pool) (docs | #1477)
  • added Support for scraping Azure Synapse (Workspace) (docs | #1477)
  • added Support Prometheus Operator in Helm chart (PR #31 | Contributed by @DaveOHenry 🎉)
  • added Support for affinity in Helm chart (PR #30 | Contributed by @t3mi 🎉)
  • added Support for priority class name in Helm chart (PR #30 | Contributed by @t3mi 🎉)
  • added Support for additional pod labels in Helm chart (PR #30 | Contributed by @t3mi 🎉)
  • added Support for security context in Helm chart (PR #30 | Contributed by @t3mi 🎉)
  • added Support for node selector in Helm chart (PR #26 | Contributed by @blafry 🎉)
  • added Support for tolerances in Helm chart (PR #26 | Contributed by @blafry 🎉)
  • added Support Prometheus Operator in Helm chart (PR #31 | Contributed by @DaveOHenry 🎉)
  • changed Provide better usability in terms of startup and configuration insights (#1474)
  • changed Provide more control over probes in Helm chart (PR #30 | Contributed by @t3mi 🎉)

Full release notes can be found here.

Resource Discovery - v0.2.0

released on 2021-02-18
  • added Support for discovering Azure Automation resources (docs | #352)
  • added Support for discovering Azure Front Door resources (docs | #343)
  • added Support for scraping Azure SQL Elastic Pool (docs | #319)
  • added Support for scraping Azure Synapse (Apache Spark pool) (docs | #1477)
  • added Support for scraping Azure Synapse (SQL pool) (docs | #1477)
  • added Support for scraping Azure Synapse (Workspace) (docs | #1477)
  • added Support for affinity in Helm chart (PR #30 | Contributed by @t3mi 🎉)
  • added Support for priority class name in Helm chart (PR #30 | Contributed by @t3mi 🎉)
  • added Support for additional pod labels in Helm chart (PR #30 | Contributed by @t3mi 🎉)
  • added Support for security context in Helm chart (PR #30 | Contributed by @t3mi 🎉)
  • added Support for node selector in Helm chart (PR #26 | Contributed by @blafry 🎉)
  • added Support for tolerances in Helm chart (PR #26 | Contributed by @blafry 🎉)
  • changed Provide better usability in terms of startup and configuration insights (#1474)
  • changed Provide more control over probes in Helm chart (PR #3°)
  • changed Rename azureLandscape.subscriptionIds to azureLandscape.subscriptionIds in Helm chart to avoid confusion (PR #29)
  • fixed Provide case-invarient lookups for resource group filtering (#1492)

Full release notes can be found here.